CBSE Class X Results 2016: Rising above all to succeed


Imagine a situation where you have to go and write an hour long exam with a feverish feeling. Its common sense that your performance will not be up to the mark as it would have been without you having the fever. If you think that the above is an established fact, think twice. Soumyadip Nandi and Sohom Bhattacharya has left all of us agape with their outstanding performance in CBSE Class X Results 2016 despite their physical disabilities.
Soumyadip has been suffering since birth due to a stomach ailment that requires his excretory and urinary bladders to be cleaned every six months. To add to his woes, the bones below his lumber spine are weak and deformed, thus preventing normal limb movement. Till date Soumyadip has undergone more than a dozen surgeries for his ailment but the gutsy boy from South Point High School has risen above all of it and scored a terrific 93% in his class X CBSE boards. His uncle Subhajit Chaki when asked about Soumyadip, he mentioned the fact that without his illness, Soumyadip would have been much better than he already is. As truly said by his uncle, Soumyadip never allowed his illness dictate him and led life on his own terms. He has studied really hard and fought literally everyday with his own fortune. With dreams of being an engineer due to his love for computers, for Soumyadip the real challenge is in deciding whether he should be going for engineering or mathematics. Proud of her sons over achievement, his mother Kajal Nandi pointed out with teary eyes how her son never allowed his disease to affect his performance.
BD Memorial School’s Sohom Bhattacharya hasn’t undergone any less. Being deformed at birth, is a different story altogether. But losing a complete hand at the age of six, is enough to lead any kid to depression. But Sohom didn’t let his childhood tragedy of losing a hand while at a vacation come between him and his dreams. A supportive cohort of teachers and parents, helped Sohom bounce back into his everyday life and perform as a top bracket student at the school. Sohom though scored a 65% in CBSE Class X, but the absolute value of the marks don’t often tell the real story. Without his disability, Sohom would have scored much higher, claimed his teacher. Due to his ability, Sohom was allowed an extra hour to complete his papers. But his father Bishnu Bhattacharjee completely agrees with Sohom’s teachers that if Sohom despite his disability has reached thus far, imagine what he could have achieved if that accident hadn’t occurred. Sohom is currently studying commerce with IT in his school and is undecided upon his future career with software engineering and accountancy being his prime choices.
