Education System of India: Need to take pride in our country


“I am proud to be an Indian”—this is what the outlook should be. In order to reinstall this spirit of oneness between the people and their nation the ministry has decided to alter the Education System of India and put into effect a new education policy. The key idea behind changing the education policy is directly related to the issue at hand. Values like righteousness, truth and responsibility of the students towards their country are aspects which need to be included in the curricula.  According to the draft, the social science syllabus is going to present India’s rich diversity of cultures, religions and civilisational heritage as per a source. Also in addition to the rights guaranteed in the constitution , students need to be taught their duties as well.

The key highlights of the new educational policy can be jotted down to these points:

  • Focus on value education so that students feel proud of being Indian
  • Students must know not just their rights but also their responsibilities
  • Remedial coaching for socially and educationally backward students
  • Compulsory medical test for every child every year to assess his or her physical fitness for study
  • Pass-fail system from class VI and above
  • All states should conduct board exams after classes X and XII
  • Medium of instruction should be tribal dialect till class V in tribal areas
  • Class X board exams should be of difficult and easy variants to allow some students to explore vocational training after obtaining minimum education
  • Five year integrated BA-Bed course after Class X to address teacher shortage
  • Best 10% students to be offered integrated BA-Bed course free
  • Admission to engineering and medical courses through a national entrance test and a parallel exam, or selection based on Class XII marks by respective state governments
  • No entrance by deemed and private universities.

The draft has made a strong case for physically unfit children as well. Health pointers received from health check-up, eye check-up, dental health should be provided to the children to keep track of their growth and development. Students facing physical troubles should be given follow-up treatment. The dissent against the Right to Education Act has led the draft appealing for no detention till class V. The panel has found out that nearly 3,00,000 students pursue their higher education abroad and that the expenditure incurred by them is what the state government spend on higher education.
