Few Non-Profits are Trying to Bridge the Digital Learning Gap

Image source: The Times of India

Lights are on in just one room of a government school in Viveknagar. In a few minutes lights goes off and the students walk out of the robotics lab, rather out-of-place in a government school battling for funds to build toilets. This lab has changed the lives of children by bridging the Digital Learning Gap. A year ago, they could not even handle calculators, now they win robotics competitions, an enviable achievement even for posh private schools. They can now use maths to calculate the distance robots need to travel or the time taken for a command to get executed. Their latest achievement was making two robots in the lab exchange commands using Bluetooth.

The Indian education sector is quickly adapting to technology. More than 400 educational technology firms were launched in the last decade. As Indian education sector climbs up the technology ladder, it will be stories like Viveknagar.

Sridhar’s robotics lab is funded by Akshara Foundation which has also tied up with the government to teach maths to primary schools. Bengaluru based International school, Inventures Academy, recently brought the Khan Academy module to its campus and opened it up to students of government schools in the hope that it could enable them to learn independently.

Educomp, considered a pioneer in this field has also progressed in getting involved with government schools.

Source: http://goo.gl/vZ8HAC