Health Ministry of India to launch an anti-tobacco movement in schools

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The Health Ministry of India, in order to discourage tobacco consumption among youngsters has decided to issue pictorial warnings as part of essential reading amongst school students. The HRD ministry’s approval has been sought by the health ministry. The proposal includes comics, cartoons, posters and various other form of pictorial warnings all related to anti-tobacco issue and also introduce the same in the literature by a chapter dealing with health hazards arising from tobacco use. When enquired about the sudden initiative, an official explained that almost 6000 youngsters take up smoking and that Of India’s 275 million tobacco users, 14% are under the age of 15 , which is an alarming stat.

Health minister J P Nadda is instrumental in this initiative as he is currently in talks with HRD ministry regarding the matter. It has been advised that anti tobacco elements to be included in the curriculum of students aged between 12-15 as that has been found to be the age when students start experimenting with tobacco. These is in tune with the new norms regarding making the warning in tobacco packs increase to about 85% in size.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) assessment, hard-hitting anti-tobacco advertisements and pictorial warnings deter children and youngsters from starting use and increase the number of people who want to quit. Furthermore, the UN agency wants countries towards plain packaging to reduce the appeal associated with tobacco consumption and increase the noticeability of warning.
