Tata Memorial Hospital Starts Special School for Children with Cancer

Mumbai-Social Cause
Image source: http://tinyurl.com/zsx55ev

To bridge the gap in education that children faces during cancer treatment, an indoor classroom at the Tata Memorial Hospital (TMH) has started attracting young crowds in their colourful basement where paediatric department is housed. Around 100 children, aged under 15, mostly from outside the city have started attending classes during their visit to the hospital for check-up or chemo therapy. Since children are from different age group, TMH clubs them into different groups and teach them. There are six teachers who come to the hospital every day to teach these children. According to the hospital data, around 2000 kids register with the hospital every year for treatment, of which 70 percent come from low income families.

Source: http://goo.gl/Kzu8VB