First Steps in the Right Direction with Kinderkare

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A question,“What will be the right place for my child to learn?”which begins to plague most parents once their child leaves the cradle and begins to take baby steps into the world.
While formal schooling is a long way off, one of the first places apart from the home, that the child experiences society, is at preschool or day-care. It is but natural that parents will insist on providing an environment that not only creates an ideal foundation for their children’s first experience with learning but also help them fit into a world that will soon become their future. Based on this very premise is KinderCrest, a flagship day care and preschool, under the aegis of KinderKare. Located in the city, the facility is one of the biggest in its category. Not only that, KinderKare has been rated as Hyderabad’s best preschool by an Education magazine in their December 2015 issue.
KinderCrest draws its inspiration from a member of NAEYC, National Association for the Education of Young Children, Washington DC, USA.
Children who participate in preschool here are often lauded by their kindergarten teachers because they have already acquired the basic skills of learning, counting and reading.KinderCrest has been specially conceptualised, designed and built with the best-of-the-kind childcare infrastructure. The premises boast of play equipment, games and other pedagogical systems. The concept being to concentrate not only on the mental faculties but also on the physical, emotional, social and cognitive development of the children.
