IndianSchool routine lacks playtime and fitness regime for their students. The fact came in to attention when EduSports conducted its survey and found that two out of five school going children do not have a healthy body mass index (BMI) and 50% of kids lack adequate lower body strength.
Some schools were found to offer three or more physical education periods while most of them offer only one or two. The survey study found that students who are given three to four physical education periods are fitter and healthier. The study revealed that schools which set aside more time for sports and physical education activities tend to have comparatively healthier students.
To compare the effects of running, a structured and age appropriate sports physical education programme in a school was organized. 23,889 students from 80 schools who had such programmes were studied for over 24 months. The results were compared with schools running a general sports programme (27,281 kids from 85 schools). It was seen that schools from the first category showed a significant improvement across fitness parameters compared to schools which ran a general sports programme.