Telekids Summer Carnival 2016


Kids enjoyed the summer heat this year with the colourful and vibrant event – Telekids Summer Carnival 2016. The event saw many wonderful fun-filled activities. Below is a list of activities that the kids were involved in with a short description about the event:

  • Dance:

Learning new moves and making new friends seems to be the most delightful aspect of this event according to Bhavini Garg, a class VI student of Modern High. She recalled of the laughter whenever she or any one of the fellow participants would collide and fall while learning a new move or step. The event was mainly about matching steps to the Latino-beat and was a popular choice for many of them.

  • Craft & Creation:

According to Jashodhara Sarkar, class VII student of Mahadevi Birla World Academy, it was a brand new experience for her as she had never tried T-shirt Painting. But now she is eager to try her hand at this newly learnt creative branch. In Fact it was a great event which saw many small school kids take up their paint brush and give shape to their own colorful world. Quirky patterns and designing pretty wall hangings gave the kids huge joy.

  • Magic:

Teach children how to weave a magic trick with the daily stuff found at homes and you would find yourself at a full house of magic show. In fact, not only kids, even adults would love to learn how to make a pen vanish or fill a glass with water without touching it and that’s exactly what the magic workshop was about. It was a fun session and very interesting according to Gautam Gaurisaria, a clas VIII student of Frank Anthony Public School.

  • Origami:

The origami workshop gave A4 sheets to students and some glue and then taught them inside an hour how to make neat little animal shapes from nothing but a mere sheet of paper. Skeptical at first, the students soon learnt the art and were elated as was evident from the smile of class VII student Shakina Khatoon of The Park English School who was super happy to have been able to attend the workshop


  • Theatre:

A bunch of enthusiastic kids took part in a three day long theatre workshop where each kid had to play a particular & significant role in one act skits on topics such as equality and the lack of it. Ranjini Ghosh, a student of class IX, of La Martiniere for Girls said that she gained some real practical experience about how theatres work.

  • Photography:

It was mainly aimed at the young ‘Shutter-bugs’ where they were taught a few basics by ace lens-man Rahul Maheshwari. The event was extremely handy for the kids as was stated by Shashwat Gupta, a class VII student of St. Xaviers Collegiate School.

  • Nature Walk:

The most rejuvenating of all was the nature walk around Rabindra Sarovar. The merry chatter of the kids was complimented by the birdcalls and rustling of leaves in the early morning hours of the sleeping city. According to Anurag Chanda, a class III student of St. Mary’s Orphanage and Day School, a lot was taught to and understood by them such as need to keep environment clean.

  • RJ Workshop:

What can be more exciting than being able to give an impromptyu speech on a topic in the presence of real-life RJ’s from the citys most hip radio station? That’s right. RJ’s from Friends FM conducted an interactive and interesting session where a lot of stress was given on confidence and communication skills. According to Utsa M Mukherjee of Calcutta International School, the workshop took her a step closer in understanding and realizing her dream of becoming a journalist. She in fact can’t wait to put her newly acquired skills in the next debate competition!

  • Disc Jockeying:

DJ Akash Rohira hosted this 2 day event where participants were given a chance to try their hands at the hip and happening DJ Console and get a lesson on the different genres of music. In fact, the event became all the more fun when DJ Akash started rolling his hands, giving the kids an after party groove and jazz. Suman Das, a class III student of St. Stephen’s School Dum Dum has infact learnt how to handle a DJ Console all by himself. Now that’s Cool!
