Withstanding Odds to score well in XII CBSE Results 2016

Source: http://goo.gl/fsssVJ

Many students have come out with flying colours, withstanding Odds to score well in Class XII CBSE Results 2016. Yet, for some, their distant dream is higher education.
V Vignesh pedals his bicycle daily at V in the morning to throw a rolled-up English newspaper at the entrance of every house on Jones Road in Saidapet, the creaking noise from the rusted bike waking up readers as he goes along. For more than two years this teen has been a newspaper delivery boy. But little did Vignesh know that his hard work at school would earn him a spot in the newspaper which he delivers every day.
Vignesh scored 1, 1141,200 and achieved the second rank in Chennai Higher Secondary School at CIT Nagar. His subject was commerce with business maths and aspires to become a chartered accountant. He wouldn’t have won the rank without the struggle of his parents who made a lot of sacrifices and provided him with support.
The boy’s father Venkatesan is a house painter and earns a meagre sum, whenever he finds a job, while his mother Vijaya works as a maid in three houses and earns 4,000 a month.
They did not have to think twice before they decided to spend close to their entire month’s earnings to pay the rent for a one-room house in CIT Nagar. That’s because they wanted their son, Vignesh and his younger brother to be close to the school at which they study.
Since the family had little money after they would pay the rent, Vignesh became a newspaper delivery boy. The900 that he earns for home every month helps them keep body and soul together.
At school, his teachers were his support system. Realising his potential, his teachers helped him as much as they could. They even had bought him the stationery he needed. His teachers say Vignesh is shy but an obedient and committed student. He has a fascination for numbers -which explains how he scored more than 190 in mathematics and accountancy.
The subject teacher of Computer Science, G Rajasekhar, remembers him better than his own students even though he did not study that subject. The boy would regularly meet the teacher after school hours to learn computer lessons due to his interest in the subject. “He learned computer hardware, operations and software. He is a sincere student,” said the teacher. Vignesh has now applied for Bachelors in Commerce in a few colleges in the city. But he is sceptical about continuing his education because ofmoney being a great obstacle for him. “He has applied to a few colleges. We don’t know how we are going to manage the expenses, but we will find a way,” said his father. But Vignesh has plans of his own. He wishes to continue with his part-time jobs to fend for his family. “One day I will become a CA and find my family a better house and make sure my brother goes to college,” he said.


Readers who are keen to help V Vignesh pursue college education may send a DD or cheque, payable to V Vignesh, couriered to `Reach out,’ The Times of India, 126127 Times House, Chamiers Road, Nandanam, Chennai-35.

SOURCE: http://goo.gl/5qujw8